The CSR Newsletters are a freely-available resource generated as a dynamic complement to the textbook, Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Sustainable Value Creation.

To sign-up to receive the CSR Newsletters regularly during the fall and spring academic semesters, e-mail author David Chandler at

Monday, February 1, 2010

Strategic CSR - CEOs

The article in the url below argues that firms are currently ill-served by the stock markets and managers that craft strategies designed to maximize short term share price are doomed to fail. As a result, the authors recommend six actions that CEOs should take to “decouple their long-run strategies from the short-run vagaries of financial markets”:

“• Jettison quarterly guidance.
• Reduce dependence on external capital.
• Focus on individual and not institutional investors.
• Rethink compensation.
• Innovate via adjacencies rather than breakthroughs.
• Invest and acquire countercyclically.”

The authors outline their arguments for each recommendation. Many of the ideas seem intuitive in terms of strategic CSR. Taken together, however, they present a compelling case for change to a long term perspective in forming strategy and managing day-to-day operations.

Take care

Bill Werther & David Chandler
Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
© Sage Publications, 2006

CEOs, it is time to decouple from financial markets; Long-term strategy should be divorced from the vagaries of the share price
Govindarajan, Vijay Sundaram, Anant
832 words
21 April 2009
Financial Times
London Ed1