The CSR Newsletters are a freely-available resource generated as a dynamic complement to the textbook, Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Sustainable Value Creation.

To sign-up to receive the CSR Newsletters regularly during the fall and spring academic semesters, e-mail author David Chandler at

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Strategic CSR - 5e

This is the last CSR Newsletter of the Spring semester.
Have a great summer and I will see you in August!
I am happy to announce that Sage has asked me to write the fifth edition of Strategic CSR. I plan to do that this Fall, with a publication date in the summer of 2019.
As such, I would like to ask for your feedback on the 4e, please. Sage is conducting a formal review of the 4e, so has probably contacted some of you for your assistance with that. If you are an adopter and Sage contacts you, please help if you can. You know the book as well as anyone and your feedback is invaluable to making improvements for the 5e.
If Sage has not contacted you, however, and you have any thoughts/ideas on how the book can be improved, please let me know. This includes content currently in the 4e that you would like to see retained for the 5e, content that you think can be excluded in the 5e, as well as new content that is currently missing.
As ever, your thoughts and comments are welcome, as well as any questions you have about the book, online simulation (, or, of course, the Newsletters.
Thank you for your support.
Take care
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