A quick update, in the article in the url below, on where the world is in terms of its coal consumption – spoiler alert, we are not in good shape:
"We're burning more coal than ever. … Coal is both the dirtiest fossil fuel and the biggest source of electricity, accounting for 35% of the world's generation [in 2023]."
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), this sorry state represents progress:
"From 2006 through 2014, [worldwide coal consumption] was 40%-plus."
And, it does not look like we can keep the positive trajectory going:
"But even as scientists sound the alarm on dangerous climate tipping points, coal consumption is still growing. It's expected to hit a record in 2024, and is on track to be higher in 2050 than it was in 2000."
As an indication of how far from where we need to be we currently are:
"To reach net zero by 2050, global coal use would need to fall by more than 90%, and what's left would need to be handled by plants capable of capturing and storing emissions."
Take care
David Chandler
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Why We're Burning More Climate-Warning Coal Than Ever
By Will Wade
August 12, 2024
Bloomberg Law