The CSR Newsletters are a freely-available resource generated as a dynamic complement to the textbook, Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Sustainable Value Creation.

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Strategic CSR - McDonald’s

This photo, which features in the article in the url below, is ironic for a couple of reasons:

First, McDonald's has installed stationary bikes instead of seats for some of its customers. So, they are 'exercising' while also eating food items from the calorie-laden McDonald's menu. Second, the bikes use the power generated by the pedaling to charge the customers' cellphones, which enables additional screen time and further encourages a more sedentary lifestyle:

"The company has created quirky promotions appealing to younger customers that have gone viral on social media. One is a combo meal that comes in a 'cat box' made for felines to play in. In some stores the chain also unveiled exercise bikes equipped with trays, allowing riders to munch their meals while pedaling to wirelessly charge their mobile phones."

The main point in the article accompanying the photo is the push by McDonald's to more than double the number of their stores in China, to over 10,000 by the end of 2028. While, for all customers, the effect of a store visit is likely to be a net gain in calories, for some customers at least, the deficit might not be as large as it would have been if these bikes were not in place.

Take care

David Chandler
© Sage Publications, 2023

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McDonald's Is Supersizing Its Presence in China
By Newley Purnell
April 30, 2024
The Wall Street Journal
Late Edition – Final
B1, B2