The CSR Newsletters are a freely-available resource generated as a dynamic complement to the textbook, Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Sustainable Value Creation.

To sign-up to receive the CSR Newsletters regularly during the fall and spring academic semesters, e-mail author David Chandler at

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Strategic CSR - Whales

The video in the url below is a short documentary about "whale falls." This term describes the phenomenon of whale carcasses that sink to the bottom of the ocean, after the whale dies, and provide nutrition that supports ecosystems of animals that have evolved to survive in otherwise nutrient-poor parts of the deep ocean:

The video reminded me that humans are the only animal on the planet that produces any 'waste.' Every other animal only produces things that are of value to some other organism – we are the interruption of an otherwise perfectly sustainable ecosystem.

Take care

David Chandler
© Sage Publications, 2023

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